celsius2fahrenheit(real) ➝ real (convert Celsius to Fahrenheit)
fahrenheit2celsius(real) ➝ real (convert Fahrenheit to Celsius)
kg2lb(real) ➝ real (convert Kilogram to Pound)
lb2kg(real) ➝ real (convert Pound to Kilogram)
capitalized(String) ➝ String (e.g. “how are you?” → “How Are You?”)
stringLength(String) ➝ int (return the number of characters, not the bytes)
stringCharAt(String,Int) ➝ String (return the character at the position)
splitPart(String,String,Int) → String (split string by separator and return index part)
date2unix(pattern,datestring) ➝ real // e.g. pattern: ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’ (case sensitive) or ‘iso8601’
date2date(patternIn,datestring,patternOut) ➝ String // e.g. pattern: ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’ (case sensitive) or ‘iso8601’
date2part(patternIn,datestring,partOut) ➝ String // e.g. partOut: year/month/day/hour/minute/second/weekday/weekofyear
isoDateTime() ➝ String // return current date time in ISO-8601 format
localisoDateTime() ➝ String // return current date time in ISO-8601 format with local timezone
base64(x) ➝ String (encode binary/blob field to Base64 string)
decode_base64(String) ➝ Binary (decode Base64 string to binary/blob)
unhex(String) ➝ Binary (decode HEX string to binary/blob)
sha1(x) ➝ hexString (calc SHA 1 checksum)
sha256(x) ➝ hexString (calc SHA 256 checksum)
sha384(x) ➝ hexString (calc SHA 384 checksum)
sha512(x) ➝ hexString (calc SHA 512 checksum)
aes_cbc_encrypt(String, key:Binary, iv:Binary) ➝ Binary (encrypt text String with AES CBC, iv can be null)
aes_cbc_decrypt(Binary, key:Binary, iv:Binary) ➝ String (decrypt encrypted binary with AES CBC, iv can be null)
aes_gcm_encrypt(String, key:Binary) ➝ Binary (encrypt text String with AES GCM)
aes_gcm_decrypt(Binary, key:Binary) ➝ String (decrypt encrypted binary with AES GCM)
chachapoly_encrypt(String, key:Binary) ➝ Binary (encrypt text String with ChaCha20-Poly1305)
chachapoly_decrypt(Binary, key:Binary) ➝ String (decrypt encrypted binary with ChaCha20-Poly1305)
chachapoly_decrypt(Binary, key:Binary) ➝ String (decrypt encrypted binary with ChaCha20-Poly1305)
random_text(n) ➝ String (generate a random text of length n)
random_number(from, to) ➝ Number (generate a random number in the specified range)
secure_random() ➝ Number (generate a secure random number)
uuid() ➝ String (generate random UUID v4 string value)
uuid_v1() ➝ String (generate random UUID v1 string value)
regexp(string, regex) ➝ Int 0/1 (this can be used also as operator: “S REGEXP R”)
regex_replace(regex, string, replacement) ➝ String
Math: acos, asin, atan, atn2, atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh, difference, degrees, radians, cos, sin, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, exp, log, log10, power, sign, sqrt, square, ceil, floor, pi, trunc.
String: replicate, charindex, leftstr, rightstr, ltrim, rtrim, trim, replace, reverse, proper, padl, padr, padc, strfilter.
Aggregate: stdev, variance, mode, median, lower_quartile, upper_quartile.